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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

By Immersion

Scher's £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 29.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

In 1998, a seismic shift in the financial world took place. Citicorp and Travellers Group, titans of the industry, merged to form the world's largest financial services firm – Citigroup. Valued at £140bn with £700bn assets under management at the time, today it stands proud with assets worth £1.7 trillion, with the consumer division being famously known as Citibank.

With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate the vast array of financial products the combined entity now boasted. The quest for brilliance led them to Paula Scher and her cutting-edge NYC design agency, Pentagram.

The budget for this brand transformation? A staggering £10 million. The logo alone carried a price tag of £1.5 million. Yes, that’s an eye-watering sum, but when you’re branding a company of Citi’s calibre, the value the logo brings far outweighs its cost.

During the preliminary discussions with Citibank’s leadership, Paula, ever the astute observer, began to doodle on a napkin while absorbing their needs, challenges, and aspirations. What transpired next was nothing short of magic. With a casual flip of the napkin, she declared, “This is your logo.” That seemingly unassuming doodle, crafted in less than five minutes, went on to cement its place as the central piece of Citibank’s new £1.5 million branding.

It wasn’t merely about the doodle. It epitomised the genius of Paula Scher. Two decades of brand identity experience distilled onto that single napkin. A modest sketch, yet a design marvel that tackled Citibank’s intricate challenge of merging two behemoth identities.

What’s truly captivating about this tale is Scher’s unparalleled talent, prowess, and audacity. Her ability to instantaneously grasp the heart of a challenge and address it with a stroke of genius is something many of us can only aspire to. As professionals, whether in entrepreneurship, management, or product management, we all have our personal “napkin aspirations”. We strive, learn, and evolve, aiming for that pinnacle of proficiency and confidence.

The crux? It’s not just about commanding a lofty fee for a piece of work, but the expertise, the journey, and the artistry that underpin it. And while some of us might not yet have reached our ‘Paula Scher moment’, with unrelenting effort, continued learning, and perpetual aspiration, we’re unequivocally on our trajectory there. Until then, we persist in honing our skills, cherishing learning, and await our £1.5 million napkin moment.

Ready to explore your brand

Reach out to us at to schedule a brand workshop. Let’s simplify the complex and map out your brand’s future.

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

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Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Top Ten Graphic Design Trends for 2024

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Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes Trend 1: Minimalism 2.0 Let’s face it, minimalism was getting old. But, lo and behold, 2024 is the year it grows…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

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Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

By Immersion

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 29.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

Effective Logo Design: Start with Key Research
Logo research isn't a fancy preliminary step; it's a pivotal one. Before you draw a single line or click in a design software, you've got questions to answer. Why? Because you're not designing a mere symbol, you're crafting an emblem for an entity's identity.

The Point of Logo Research

Jumping directly into logo design? That’s a rookie move. Without research, you’re basically shooting in the dark, risking rejection. Research isn’t about gathering data—it’s your strategy, the compass that directs your design decisions.

Questions to Prime Your Design Process:

Purpose of the New Logo: Is the company sprouting fresh roots, or is this a total rebrand? Know the ‘why’ behind the change. Whether it’s signalling new leadership, services, or reflecting an ethos shift, your design direction hinges on this.

Company’s Core: Sounds basic, right? But a deep dive into the company’s history, services, and values is vital. What’s their story? How do they want customers to feel? Unearth this, and your design will resonate deeper.

Who’s It For?: Know the audience. If the client’s unclear, steer them. Grasp the demographics—age, income, habits. A logo meant for teenagers won’t resonate with retirees.

Future Visions: Design for today, but anticipate tomorrow. What’s the company’s 5-year vision? If there’s an intent to diversify or evolve, your logo should be versatile enough to mirror that growth.

Scoping the Competition: A great design isn’t just original—it’s distinctive. Know the sector’s existing identities to ensure you’re not inadvertently mirroring a competitor. Direct and indirect competitors both matter.

Logo Research Isn’t Optional

Remember, research isn’t just a phase—it’s your foundation. It equips you to design logos that don’t just look good, but also feel right.

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Top Ten Graphic Design Trends for 2024

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Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes Trend 1: Minimalism 2.0 Let’s face it, minimalism was getting old. But, lo and behold, 2024 is the year it grows…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

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Top Ten Graphic Design Trends for 2024

By Immersion

Top Ten Graphic Design Trends for 2024

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 29.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

Alright, 2024 is here, and it's mixing cool designs with tech in fun ways. We've got everything from new takes on simple looks to old-school vibes making a comeback. Ready to check out the top design trends? Let’s dive in!

Trend 1: Minimalism 2.0

Let’s face it, minimalism was getting old. But, lo and behold, 2024 is the year it grows up and gets a job. Designers are now less “let’s keep it simple” and more “let’s make it sophisticated while pretending it’s simple.” Clever, right?

Trend 2: Hyper-Realistic Illustrations

Because why appreciate the real world when you can blur it with the imaginary? But, alright, it does give a visual treat. And with tools like Ai, especially the trendy Wonder Ai and Midjourney Ai, everyone’s hopping on the bandwagon.

Trend 3: Augmented Reality Fusion

Here’s the future knocking. You thought AR was a passing phase? Think again. Point your phone at a poster, and magic! Brands are loving it, and honestly, who wouldn’t?

Trend 4: Kinetic Typography

Words that move. Text with rhythm. If you’ve been using static text this whole time, you’re out of the loop. 2024 is dancing, my friend.

Trend 5: Neural-Inspired Art

We’ve got algorithms and machine learning doing the heavy lifting now. So, if your design doesn’t have a sprinkle of AI, are you even designing?

Trend 6: Abstract Geometry

Organised chaos – sounds like an oxymoron but looks like a masterpiece. It’s abstract; it’s geometric. It’s… confusing, but in a cool way.

Trend 7: Diagrammatic Representation

Because who has time to read? Show it, don’t tell it. If you’re not simplifying, you’re complicating.

Trend 8: Eco-Conscious Designs

About time, right? Earth’s dying, but at least our designs will look green. Let’s put some earthy tones on that environmental guilt.

Trend 9: Good Old Retro

Because everything old is gold. Or at least sepia-toned. A splash from the past to remind us where we came from. And also, nostalgia sells. Period.

Trend 10: 3D Everything

Flat is so 2020. This year, we’re adding an extra dimension. Literally.

To Wrap Up

These aren’t just trends; they’re the gospel of graphic design for 2024. You can either get on board or watch from the sidelines. The fusion of tech and design is upon us, and it’s not waiting for anyone. Sure, the future is looking vibrant (especially in retro), but remember to keep it real—or at least hyper-realistic.

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Top Ten Graphic Design Trends for 2024

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes Trend 1: Minimalism 2.0 Let’s face it, minimalism was getting old. But, lo and behold, 2024 is the year it grows…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

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What Makes a Good Corporate Logo?

By Immersion

What Makes a Good
Corporate Logo?

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 24.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

Your corporate logo wields tremendous influence. It’s not just a visual emblem; it’s a concise representation of your brand’s essence and character. Think of iconic logos like the golden arches of McDonald’s or the Nike swoosh, and you immediately grasp their significance. These logos are instantly recognisable, reinforcing potent brand identities and triggering a plethora of associations in consumers’ minds.

However, it’s not reserved for multinational behemoths alone; every business can harness the power of corporate logos to effectively communicate its unique identity. So, what precisely is a corporate logo, what are the pivotal components of a great one, and why are they indispensable for your brand’s prosperity?

Defining the Corporate Logo

A corporate logo is a graphical symbol that embodies your brand. It stands as a cornerstone of your brand’s identity and often serves as the primary means for customers to formulate an image of your company. A well-crafted logo is a pivotal promotional tool that aids in setting your business apart, nurturing customer loyalty, and conveying your brand’s values.

The finest logos are straightforward, easily reproducible, and remain consistent over time. They possess the endurance to last for decades, ensuring that your company maintains an instantly recognisable visual identity.

Why a Logo Holds Significance

Logos are paramount to business triumph. In their absence, establishing and sustaining a brand identity becomes a far more arduous task. Your logo serves as the bedrock of your brand identity, guiding the development of your entire brand.

The colours, fonts, and tones of your logo narrate the story you wish to tell about your brand, your unique positioning in the market, and what distinguishes you from competitors. Often, your logo serves as a customer’s initial impression of your business, piquing their curiosity and encouraging them to delve deeper into your products or services.

Vital Components of a Superlative Corporate Logo

Crafting an exceptional corporate logo entails several pivotal elements:

Simplicity: Maintain simplicity. Effective logos convey essential facets of your brand without overwhelming complexity.
Memorability: Design a logo that stands out and remains etched in memory, setting your brand apart from the competition.
Timelessness: Steer clear of fleeting trends. A great logo should withstand the test of time.
Versatility: Ensure your logo can adapt as your business evolves over time, accommodating growth and expansion.
Appropriateness: Your logo should be a reflection of your industry and what’s distinctive about your business, eliminating any potential confusion or negative connotations.

Where Does a Corporate Logo Appear?

Your corporate logo finds its place across all your marketing channels and business materials. It prominently features on your website, social media profiles, business cards, signage, product packaging, letters, emails, and invoices. It may even make appearances on promotional merchandise and company vehicles.

In essence, your corporate logo is omnipresent, rendering it imperative to get it right.

Exemplary Corporate Logos

Some of the globe’s most iconic logos are also the simplest. Take these examples:

Nike: The renowned swoosh symbolizes high-quality sportswear and athleticism.
Apple: An apple with a bite taken out signifies innovation and technology.
Starbucks: Slightly more intricate, yet instantly recognizable, and associated with coffee and community.
Disney: A signature-style logo that signifies family-friendly entertainment.
eBay: The colourful, lowercase ‘e’ embodies online shopping.

Designing Your Logo

While it’s conceivable to design a logo on your own, a professionally designed logo is more likely to be distinctive to your brand and effectively convey its essence. A logo crafted by experts can ultimately save you time and money, making it a worthwhile investment.

To begin, contemplate what sets your brand apart, the narratives you wish to weave, and the colours and fonts that resonate with your brand’s identity. Then, collaborate with a professional branding agency to bring your vision to fruition.

How Mass Can Assist

At Mass, we comprehend the significance of a meticulously crafted corporate logo. Leveraging our proficiency in strategy, branding, design, and advertising, we have the ability to craft a logo that not only commands attention but also embodies your brand’s values and identity.

Contact us at to take the first stride towards a memorable and effective logo for your business.

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Top Ten Graphic Design Trends for 2024

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes Trend 1: Minimalism 2.0 Let’s face it, minimalism was getting old. But, lo and behold, 2024 is the year it grows…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

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The Power of Effective Branding

By Immersion

The Power of
Effective Branding

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 24.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

In the ever-vexing realm of business, let’s talk branding. It’s not just a logo or some fancy colors; it’s your distinct identity and value in the market. Buckle up, because in this post, we’ll dissect how branding earns its stripes by etching your recognition, trust, loyalty, employee spirit, and that oh-so-coveted perceived value. Get ready for a deep dive into the branding universe, and remember, it’s not just smoke and mirrors; it’s the very bedrock of business triumph.

Building a Brand Beyond the Logo

Imagine this: You’re strolling down a busy street, and you spot a product. Oddly, the logo is nowhere to be seen, yet you instantly recognise the brand. That, my friends, is the pinnacle of branding success. It goes beyond a mere logo or colours; it’s about creating an unmistakable identity that leaves a lasting impression.

A successful brand is like a symphony of elements working in harmony to create this impression. It’s not just a logo; it’s an identity, a promise, and an experience. When you’ve achieved a level of recognition where your brand can be identified even without its logo, you’ve truly mastered the art of branding.

Consider Apple – remove the iconic bitten apple logo, and you’d still recognise their sleek design and commitment to innovation. Think of Coca-Cola – take away the logo, and you’d still know that classic red and white, that timeless font, and that refreshing taste. These are the elements that define a brand’s identity and create lasting recognition.

So, what’s the real deal with branding and how does it elevate your business?
Your brand identity is like a beacon, shining a light on your core values for your customers to see. It’s the secret sauce that makes your business, products, and services instantly recognisable and triggers all the right responses.

But, you might be wondering, how exactly does branding bring value to your business?

Branding Establishes Name Recognition

Branding is your trusty toolkit, working in harmony to boost your company’s name recognition. It’s all about those carefully selected colours, fonts, designs, and logos that carve your business into people’s memories. When customers have had positive experiences with your offerings, branding helps them recall those moments.

Branding Builds Trust

A robust, unwavering brand is the bedrock of trust with your customers. It gives them the confidence that they’re dealing with a consistent, reliable brand that can deliver the goods and services they expect. Over time, constant exposure to your brand’s visual cues etches them into your customers’ minds, ready to surface when they’re in need of products like yours.

Branding Builds and Maintains Customer Loyalty

Going beyond just delivering top-notch products and services, branding is a key player in nurturing customer loyalty. Rooted in your business philosophy, branding creates multiple touch points for customers to connect with. When your brand mirrors the values your customers hold dear, you can gradually cultivate genuine loyalty. This not only builds a loyal customer base but also amplifies your business through word-of-mouth and heightened engagement in digital marketing efforts.

A Strong Branding Enhances Perceived Value

For most individuals, a job is more than just a way to pay the bills. Those who go the extra mile, stick around for the long haul, and develop a real passion for their work often have a deep attachment to the company and its values.

Branding plays a vital role in forging this connection, nurturing a strong company culture and a sense of belonging among employees. What’s more, it helps attract applicants who resonate with your company’s values, ensuring alignment with your mission. A united company, driven by strong, consistent branding, is better equipped to achieve its goals.

Strong Branding Enhances Perceived Equity

In simpler terms, a brand adds tangible value to your products and services. Consider premium branding, which is all about conveying a sense of quality. People are willing to shell out more for a box of Twining’s tea than a supermarket’s own brand because Twining’s brand embodies a distinct set of values.

Mass Understands Branding

At Mass, we’re experts in helping you craft, refine, and bolster your unique brand to unlock tangible benefits for your business.

Get in touch with us today at to explore how we can empower your business with enhanced value through branding.

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Top Ten Graphic Design Trends for 2024

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes Trend 1: Minimalism 2.0 Let’s face it, minimalism was getting old. But, lo and behold, 2024 is the year it grows…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes The Point of Logo Research Jumping directly into logo design? That's a rookie move. Without research, you're basically shooting in the…

Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

| Immersion | No Comments
Author: Tom Ellis Date: 29.10.23 Read time: 2-3 minutes With such a monumental merger, there was an undeniable need for a fresh brand identity. An identity that would seamlessly encapsulate…

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