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Navigating Brand Architecture

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Navigating Brand Architecture

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 24.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

Navigating the intricate world of brand architecture can initially seem as challenging as solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. But fret not, for we’re here to demystify this crucial aspect of branding. Think of it as the architectural blueprint for your brand, the roadmap that determines how every brand, product, or service fits into the grand design.

Brand architecture, stripped down

Brand architecture, in the world of marketing, may initially sound as bewildering as trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. But fear not, for we’re here to decode this pivotal facet of branding. Picture it as the architectural blueprint for your brand, determining how every brand, product, or service slots into the grand design.

Unraveling brand architecture

So, what precisely is brand architecture? Consider it the blueprint of your brand, dictating how each sub-brand or product relates to the bigger picture. It’s your brand’s genetic code, influencing how everything is structured and serving as a compass for future brand expansions.

Why should marketers take heed?

Marketers, this is your guiding star in the branding cosmos. It advises when to stay faithful to your brand’s core and when to venture into uncharted territories. Take Virgin, for example; it aligns new brands with its existing ones, ensuring a cohesive and unified approach to marketing. However, if you’re playing a different branding game, you have the liberty to chart your own course.

The master brand and brand extensions

Before we delve deeper, let’s grasp a couple of concepts: the master brand and brand extensions. The master brand is the big cheese, the parent brand overseeing all other branded offerings. Think of Procter & Gamble (P&G), with brands like Gillette, Ariel, and Pantene under its umbrella. These are brand extensions – new products or services under a familiar brand umbrella.

Brand extension versus line extension

Line extensions are like new flavours of your favourite snacks. Brand extensions, however, are akin to Coca-Cola launching an aftershave. They’re leaps into uncharted territory, offering something entirely different.

Cracking the code of brand architecture

There are four primary brand architecture types, each with its unique strategy and benefits:

Branded House (Monolithic): Think Apple. It’s a robust parent brand with child brands like Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. This architecture seamlessly integrates new offerings while maintaining the overall brand identity.
Endorsed: Like Kellogg’s with Rice Krispies and Coco Pops, the parent brand lends credibility to subsidiary brands. Trust in the parent brand extends to its offspring, and vice versa.
House of Brands: Procter & Gamble operates this way, with well-known brands like Gillette, Tide, and Pantene. Each brand operates independently, targeting specific audiences. Failures in one brand don’t tarnish others.
Hybrid: This combines elements of Branded House and House of Brands. Toyota is a prime example, with Toyota, Lexus, and Scion maintaining distinct identities while sharing associations.
Plotting your brand’s trajectory

How do you determine your brand architecture? Start by comprehending your audience. Understand your target customers and their unique needs. Then, evaluate if your brands can stand independently. Highlight their strengths and differentiators. Craft a compelling brand story that strikes a chord.

Whether you’re navigating a branded house, endorsed, house of brands, or a hybrid model, the key is to align your architecture with your brand’s DNA. It’s akin to orchestrating a harmonious symphony, where every note plays its part.

Ready to explore your brand’s architecture?

Reach out to us at to schedule a brand workshop. Let’s simplify the complex and map out your brand’s future.

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

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Understanding Brand Archetypes

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Understanding Brand Archetypes

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 29.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

Brands need to connect with their audience in a deep and meaningful way in order to build authenticity, loyalty and trust. Brand archetypes provide a framework based on human psychology to help your company build a worthwhile and valuable relationship.

Brand Archetypes Explained

So, what on earth are brand archetypes? Strip away the buzzwords and nonsense. In simple terms, they’re a posh way of saying ‘brand personality’. Imagine them as characters in the grand cinema of the market. Each has its quirks, features, and characteristics that make consumers adore them, despise them, or remain completely indifferent.

A Brief Dip into Psychology

This is where things become slightly earnest. These archetypes aren’t plucked from a marketer’s late-night light bulb moment. They’re grounded in theory. Go back to Carl Jung and his trailblazing work on the collective unconscious. These are universal symbols and tales, ingrained in our minds, regardless of where we live.

Genuine Brands, Authentic Archetypes

Creator: Think innovative brilliance. Ever marvelled at Apple’s distinct designs? That’s a creator for you.

Ruler: The top dog. Brands such as Rolex ooze this stature.

Caregiver: That soothing cuppa on a challenging day. Brands like Johnson & Johnson radiate this caring essence.

Everyman: The mate everyone cherishes. Levi’s jeans? A quintessential everyman brand.

Jester: The one who can have you in stitches. Skittles, with its lively and cheeky adverts, encapsulates the Jester.

Lover: Heart-fluttering kind. Cadbury Dairy Milk? Romance with every morsel.

Hero: Battling the odds and still triumphing. Consider Nike and its “Just Do It” ethos.

Magician: Just a touch of enchantment and there you have it! Disney whisks us away each time.

Outlaw: The maverick, the game-shifter. Harley Davidson, the epitome of rebellion on wheels.

Explorer: Seeking adventure is their ethos. Don a North Face jacket, and you’re equipped for any journey.

Sage: Wisdom of the highest calibre. Ponder over the profound insights of National Geographic.

Innocent: Pure joy and brightness. Coca-Cola and its ethos of universal delight stands out here.

Why The North Face is More Than Just Outerwear

Now, here’s an example even I can’t scoff at. The North Face is synonymous with the Explorer archetype. They’re not merely peddling outdoor attire. They’re offering the aspiration of conquering Everest or wandering lush rainforests. Every thread in their jackets narrates sagas of voyages and untouched lands. With them, it’s not a mere purchase; it’s an immersion into a narrative of exploration.

The Archetype Wheel of (Mis)Fortune

Visualise a massive wheel. Slot each archetype into one of four segments. Give it a whirl. Where it lands isn’t your brand’s fate. No, because a brand might merge a few of these personas, forging something distinctive.

Why Brand Archetypes Deserve Your Attention

Emotional Resonance: They can resonate deeply with your audience, forging connections stronger than industrial adhesive.

Unified Branding: Say goodbye to split-personality brands. One voice, one style, consistently.

Engage, Not Yawn-Inducing: Use archetypes effectively, and you’ll captivate your clientele.

Differentiate or Perish: In this market? If you’re not distinctive, you’re irrelevant. Archetypes might be your saving grace.

Narrative Excellence: With a coherent archetype, your brand narrative isn’t a bore. It’s a BAFTA-worthy script.

In essence? When you remove the unnecessary layers, brand archetypes emerge as a formidable tool in your marketing kit. But remember: grasping them is just the beginning. Implementation is where the genuine magic (or calamity) unfolds.

Let’s craft your brand

Are you ready to embark on your brand archetype journey? Reach out to us at to explore how we can assist you in harnessing the power of archetypes for your brand’s triumph.

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Connecting Through Your Brand

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Connecting Through Your Brand

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 24.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

In the ever-evolving world of branding, where the art of stirring emotions and forging profound connections with your audience reigns supreme Today, we delve into the intricacies of brand language and storytelling, the indispensable instruments in your branding toolkit. Now, let’s plunge headfirst into the intricacies of brand language and storytelling, the essential weaponry in your branding arsenal.

The Significance of Brand Language

The language you choose for your branding isn’t just a bunch of words strung together; it’s a potent tool for connecting with your customers. To forge a bond that lasts, you’ve got to adopt a tone of voice that not only resonates but is instantly recognisable to your audience.

But where do you begin, you ask? Well, it starts with a simple yet often overlooked step: understanding your audience. Listening to your audience is like hitting the bullseye in darts – it’s the simplest way to develop a brand language that truly speaks to them. You want your written content to grab them by the collar, make them feel like they’re part of a captivating conversation, and certainly not let them drift away after the first sentence.

So, how do you ensure you’re speaking their language? One word: reviews.

In 2022, a staggering 87% of consumers turned to Google to evaluate local businesses. They’re talking about your brand online, whether you’re tuned in or not. Imagine the treasure trove of insights waiting for you if you were listening. Amidst the digital chatter, you’re likely to find a common tone of voice in your customers’ positive reviews. Why not embrace that tone and make it your own?

Top Tip: Don’t just stop at embracing that tone; repurpose those glowing reviews. Feature them on your website or turn them into eye-catching graphics for social media. This not only plugs content gaps but also reinforces your tone of voice, builds trust with new customers, and cements that human connection.

But what if your brand is new or lacking substantial reviews? Fear not, my friends. You’ve got alternatives.

You can go straight to the source – your audience. Social media, the ultimate interactive tool, is your best friend here. Go live on video, run polls on LinkedIn, or spice things up with interactive Instagram stories featuring polls or questions. Direct feedback, in the precise language your audience prefers, can guide your branding decisions, particularly your tone of voice and your brand identity.

The Importance of Storytelling

Now that your brand language is as sharp as a well-crafted tagline, it’s time to embark on the journey of storytelling.
In this digital age, human connections are forged behind screens rather than in-store. Gone are the days when being a faceless brand was an option. With fewer face-to-face encounters, your human connection must emanate from the other side of that screen.

Define Your ‘Why’

Your brand’s story isn’t just a recitation of who you are and what you do; it’s about your WHY. What’s your brand’s mission? What sparked the fire to create your business? What are you passionate about? These are the questions that stir the deepest emotions in your customers.

Let’s take the example of a brand offering vegan products. It’s not just about being vegan; it’s about the WHY behind it. Your brand story might be rooted in ethical considerations or a commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle. These reasons resonate with customers and guide their choices.

Establish Your Narrative

Now that you’ve got your ‘Why’ sorted, it’s time to tackle the ‘How’ of storytelling. Your tone of voice plays a significant role, but there’s more to it. Consider how you want to tell your story in the most engaging way possible. If long-form content like blogs and white-papers align with your brand and resonate with your audience, a dedicated ‘Our Story’ web page might suffice. Get those creative juices flowing, and start writing!

But remember, one size doesn’t fit all.

Consider both your brand’s image and your customers. Would visual storytelling better suit your brand? You can achieve this through carousel images on your website, social media, or both. And don’t forget the demographics of your target audience – younger readers and children tend to respond better to visuals.

So, when it comes to establishing a human connection, remember these three crucial elements: WHO, WHY, and HOW? Who are you? Why did you create your brand? How should you narrate your story?

If you’re inspired to build a brand that truly connects with your audience through the power of language and storytelling, we’re here to help. Whether you’re in need of expert guidance or have specific branding requirements, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Let’s craft your brands personality

Simply drop us an email at to discuss your needs, and let’s start crafting a brand personality that leaves a lasting impression.

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Logo Essentials: Research Before Design

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

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Mastering the Art of Brand Naming

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Mastering the art
of brand naming

Author: Tom Ellis
Date: 20.10.23
Read time: 2-3 minutes

Your brand name is not merely a label for your business card or website; it should be a powerful communicator of essential messages to your audience.

Understanding the Significance of a Brand Name

Your brand name is the foremost identifier of your brand, serving as the critical touchpoint that allows your customers to distinguish you from your competitors. It’s the name that people associate with your products, services, and overall reputation.

Qualities of an Outstanding Brand Name

Creating an exceptional brand name isn’t an exact science, but there are certain qualities that can make your brand name more memorable and effective:

Meaningful: A great brand name should encapsulate the essence of your brand, conjuring imagery and cultivating a positive emotional bond with your audience.

Distinctive: Your brand name should stand out in the crowded marketplace, embodying uniqueness and setting you apart from your competitors.

Visual Appeal: Consider how your brand name looks when integrated into your design, logos, and colour schemes. It should harmoniously blend with your visual identity.

Clarity: Avoid unnecessary complexity in your brand name. It should be easy to pronounce, spell, and understand. Your customers should be able to find it with effortless Google searches.

Adaptability: A strong brand name should be versatile, capable of evolving with your business while retaining its relevance in changing times.

Protectable: To ensure your brand’s exclusivity, your chosen name should be legally safeguarded, preventing others from using it.

The 10 Steps to Choosing the Right Brand Name

Selecting the perfect brand name is a meticulous process that involves the following steps:

Define Your Brand: Start by clearly defining your brand’s purpose, mission, vision, and core values. Your brand name should encapsulate these essential elements.

Utilise Online Tools: Online tools like Wordoid, Idiom Tool, or BrandRoot can be invaluable for generating potential brand names if you’re experiencing a shortage of ideas.
Competitor Analysis: Study your competitors’ brand names to determine whether you want to align with or differentiate from them. Understanding your competitive landscape is crucial.

Brainstorm Creatively: Engage your team, employees, and even potential customers in brainstorming sessions to generate creative ideas. Fresh perspectives can lead to innovative brand name options.

Infuse Personality: Ensure that the names on your longlist reflect your brand’s personality and the personalities of its founders. Your brand name should feel authentic.

Legal and Availability Checks: Verify that your shortlisted brand names aren’t already in use or trademarked. Additionally, conduct a comprehensive Google search to ensure uniqueness.

Test with Branding Materials: Your brand name should seamlessly fit into all your branding materials, from websites to business cards. Test how it looks in various contexts.

Future-proof: Assess whether your chosen brand name can withstand evolving trends, expansions into international markets, and the test of time. It should have lasting power.

Multilingual and Cultural Considerations: Think beyond your local market and ensure your brand name makes sense in other languages and cultures. Avoid unintended cultural misunderstandings.

Final Selection: After meticulous evaluation, choose the brand name that most authentically represents your brand’s identity and values.

Get Started with Mass

Nothing is more vital to your business’s success than branding. Mass, with its expertise in strategy, branding, design, and advertising, can assist you in creating a brand that yields results.

Regardless of where you are in your branding journey, we’re here to lend a hand. Contact us at to discover more.

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Scher’s £1.5 Million Napkin Sketch

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